Repeater or Node

Above is a diagram of a typical linked radio network. As you can see everyone hears everyone else because everyone talks to the Hub. So why do I need a Repeater if a Node will do the same thing?
Because they don’t do the same thing. With a Repeater the Mobile units hear other Mobile units on the Repeater plus everyone else on the network. With a Node Mobile units will only hear other Mobile units if they are in range of each other. They will be able to talk and hear everyone else on the network.
If you think a Node is the right choice for you, then you have to decide if you want a low power 1W Node or a high power 50W Node with a base antenna on your house. They both do the basic same thing, allow you to get on the network. The low power Node would be good for your home and property. The high power node has a range of a few miles, good when mobile around town, plus you can let you friends and family use it. But remember a friend on one side of town may be able to talk to your Node, but he may be to far to talk to your other friend on the other side of town.