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Question about radio testing and transmitting

I'm a new gmrs radio person and was wondering when I transmit for radio testing I'm not hearing any thing on my radio. I live in West Warren, Massachusetts my callsign is: WSDY615

What channel are you on? And what do you expect to hear.

If you are trying to access a repeater, in most cases you will hear some tones come back to you. If you are trying to access another radio, simplex, you won't hear anything.

I have multiple frs/gmrs  handheld radios and trying to get them all programmed for my local area and trying to test them all out to see how far I can reach. And I don't have the things to program them myself I'm in  a Disaster Response Team and trying to get them correctly programmed to use in EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS & MORE.

I think it would be best to use simplex mode without any tones.

Keep it simple.