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HUB 7000

NET 7000

Hi ! my name is tony WRXU609, I'm an old CBer and gave it up many years ago,I was very interested in getting back into it  --but not CB, on facebook I read a couple of articles about GMRS which i was very interested in so I did some research about the use of repeaters and there I found Rob WROV324 we got in contact and from there Rob was great ! he walked me through the hole process, my biggest problem was the fact that I live in a apartment and was not able to put any kind of antenna out side of the building Rob to the rescue again he built me a node so I was able to get on the 7000,he has gone out of his way to help me in every way from the node to PC issues I was having.A very big Thank You to him and Ray WRFD401 for all there help,to me the NewEngland GMRS7000 is as good as it gets,Regards to All WRXU609.