I ran into some information on setting up the Amazon AURSINC Dongle for split frequency use.
It turns out the Dongle does support it. You can not program split frequency from the New England GMRS image, but you can from the BASH command line. Select item 13 to open BASH.
Now type cd/root/SRFRS ,you should now be at a screen like below. Oh remember commands are case sensitive in Linux. At this point you should flip your Dongle's USB cable 180 degrees to put it in programming mode.
Type "python srfrs.py radio --frequency 462.600 --offset 5 --ctcss 100" , be sure to enter your RX frequency and ctcss tone.
If everything worked you should get back a line like this: SRFRS: INFO: +DMOSETGROUP:0, RX frequency: 462.6000, TX frequency: 467.6000, ctcss:100.0, squelch: 4, OK
Your done, flip your USB cable to put the Dongle in run mode.
I ran into some information on setting up the Amazon AURSINC Dongle for split frequency use.
It turns out the Dongle does support it. You can not program split frequency from the New England GMRS image, but you can from the BASH command line. Select item 13 to open BASH.
Now type cd/root/SRFRS ,you should now be at a screen like below. Oh remember commands are case sensitive in Linux. At this point you should flip your Dongle's USB cable 180 degrees to put it in programming mode.
Type "python srfrs.py radio --frequency 462.600 --offset 5 --ctcss 100" , be sure to enter your RX frequency and ctcss tone.
If everything worked you should get back a line like this: SRFRS: INFO: +DMOSETGROUP:0, RX frequency: 462.6000, TX frequency: 467.6000, ctcss:100.0, squelch: 4, OK
Your done, flip your USB cable to put the Dongle in run mode.